Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Sculpture Artist - Joe Pogan

Joe Pogan is a sculpture artist. He creates an amazing variety of animal sculptures using fascinating "found metal" objects. He create animal sculptures using various "found metal" objects like old watches, sprockets, nuts and bolts.He talks about his work saying," the stranger the piece of metal the better, since the end goal is an eye-catching, fascinating amalgamation of metal with odd nooks and crannies you can explore for hours".

He start by welding a frame to make the general shape. Then He weld or braze the metal objects one at a time, to form the outer shell of the sculpture. He use a "blending" technique that leaves no space between the objects, so the sculpture looks solid. This allows him to hide interesting objects all over each piece, which enhances the excitement of discovery.
Some of the works are mounted on a hardwood base that he finish with natural oil.He enjoys creating them.

I really like he's sculptures that he makes. I find the level of detail into he's sculptures is incredible. It looks very futuristic. I have chosen this artist where i may use the style of techniques Joe Pogsn has done, into my work what might look interesting.


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